Saturday, February 2, 2008

Super Bowl

Well folks, the time has finally come, after an entire season of hearing how great the Patriots are, it is time for them to go down. I absolutely hate the Patriots and hope their perfect season is destroyed by the Giants tomorrow. The smugness in that team's leadership in unparalleled, especially Tom Brady, who I would not be disappointed to see not throw a single touchdown pass tomorrow. While the Patriots are 14-point favorites, I am confident that my boy Plaxico Burress will come through with his prediction and the Giants will come out on top. However, I think his score was a little low, considering the least the Patriots have scored all year is 20. As a result, Bossman is CALLING IT right now, Patriots 24 Giant 27.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Perfect seasons in the NFL don't exist. Unlesss you live in Miami.

BOSSMAN called it.