Thursday, February 14, 2008

Roger Clemens

All I got to say is that Roger Clemens has got more in common with OJ Simpson than being the best athlete in their respective sports...they both be INNOCENT. I am CALLIN' IT right now, just like I CALLED my Giants coming through victorious. Quite frankly, Clemens would not disgrace the game in this manner. However, highlights of the hearing on Capitol Hill include: Dan Burton of Indiana saying to McNamee, "I know one thing and I don't believe - and that is you." Henry Waxman from CA telling Roger Clemens, "Excuse me, but this is not your time to argue with me," when Clemens emphasized that Pettitte must have "misremembered." And finally, when Christopher Shays of Connecticut called McNamee a drug dealer several times and McNamee continued to rebut, "that's your opinion." We will see what happens, but if this ever even does go to a trial, I get the feeling The Rocket is going to be jumping up on top of his SUV outside a courthouse just like the King of Pop.


Adam said...

a little note of of

Roger Clemens

HIGH POINT: Made it through his entire opening statement before reaching for bottled water; definitively cleared up the whole Springsteen tickets mess.

LOW POINT: When he interrupted Rep. Waxman's closing remarks, got gaveled into submission and subsequently appeared as though he wanted to throw a bat handle at the committee chairman.

FINAL VERDICT: If he doesn't go to prison, there's a ChapStick endorsement at the end of all this.


Adam said...

new pic please.

you are ruining this "fresh" blog with your rotten images.