Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Primary Elections

Immediately following Super Bowl Sunday comes Super Tuesday. The day of the primary elections in many states and the day that will help determine who is going to be standing in November and who is going home early. As this is published, polls are already closed all over the country, but it is still not clear what will happen when the dust settles. So it still gives me the chance to be the first one to...CALL IT. First of all McCain is the one candidate with a proven bi-partisan record, for this reason, should he make it to the general election, he hands down is going to win. But it is still important for him to win over his conservative base and if he can do that, which it seems he has, I would put my money on him winning the majority of the GOP primary elections. His myspace link is http://www.myspace.com/johnmccain feel free to add him, as he will be our next president. On the democrat side, I gots to go with my boy Obama to win the primaries. I mean, I would just like to see him be president to shake it up a bit, but unfortunately that is not quite going to happen yet.

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