Wednesday, February 6, 2008


This trade is one of the most absolutely insane trades I have heard in recent years. I mean, I thought the Lakers acquisition of Gasol was crazy, this one blew my mind. Shaq is so far past his prime, it is silly and I liked the type of basketball the suns played. It was fast break, get down the court and pass type of ball and now they are going to have to slow down to wait for Shaq (if he can even play) to move his old bones down the floor. (See J.A. Adande's article on for more details of how bad this trade was here. I guess I should be happy because now the Suns are out of contention, but I am sad to see that type of basketball be abandoned like a cheap suit. Oh and on a side note, as of yesterday the Suns and Heat were denying a trade, Pat Riley went so far as to say it was impossible...I hate it when sports teams lie.

1 comment:

Adam said...

This is not fresh, in fact... this is straight up rotten for so many reasons.
1) Shaq is past his prime, why would any team want to trade for him? I don't care if they are using him to compete with the West's other big men (Duncan, Bynum, Yao). You heard it here first, Bynum will smash Shaq upon his return. Callin it!
2) Why in the world would Marion want to leave the blessings he has in Phoenix? He HAD a much closer shot to win a championship with the Suns than the Heat.

This is fresh for one reason.
1) The Lakers now have one less thing to worry about.