Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Goodbye Fresh Sesh

Due to the hijacking of our name... bastards... Fresh Sesh will be coming to an end.  We want to thank all of the fans, readers, and those who sent emails.  Most of all we want to thank Latarian Milton for ALWAYS being fresh and for being a true hood rat. You are our inspiration.

No need to be sad... the genius creators of Fresh Sesh have created a new blog, freshtoid.

If you thought Fresh Sesh was good, you're in for a real treat.  From bologna to filet mignon.

See you fresh heads over at freshtoid.

R.I.P. Fresh Sesh
February 2008 - July 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nintendo Wii - 2010

If the people at t3 are correct, Nintendo Wii will begin to use mind control for their new systems.  We here at Fresh Sesh love the idea, but do not believe this to be true... yet.

For more info and pictures click here.

Nike Hyperdunk - Marty McFly

Nike's newest basketball creation, the Hyperdunk, features Nike's latest Fly Wire technology. The newest version of the Hyperdunk is a shout out to the film, "Back to the Future."  The shoe is inspired by Marty McFly's Nike boots, used on his famous hover board.  

The shoes were recently released at Undefeated in Santa Monica.  The first ten people in line were greeted by Mr. Hyperdunk himself, Kobe Bryant and the Deloreon from the "Back to the Future" series.  
More pics here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Rod-onna...?

We are not ones to gossip here at FreshSesh, but we do love drama and love even more the New York Yankees. The Yankees are by far the most successful sports franchise in America, so FreshSesh found this little tid bit about All-Star 3rd baseman Alex Rodriguez and his late night visits to Madonna's Central Park West apartment quite interesting. A Rod is no 'beautiful stranger' but spending so much time with this 'material girl' might be crossing the 'borderline' into becoming a distraction. For the exclusive story click here.

Monday, June 30, 2008


From P-Diddy to Shaq and Arnold Schwarzenegger to Oprah, the real status symbol to knowing you have made it is the most comfortable bed possible. After all, you spend nearly half your life on it, so it might as well be comfortable. Well the geniuses at Tempur-Pedic have done it again with their new GrandBed; this bed is sure have all the A-listers on the waiting list just like the swimmers for that new Speedo LZR. Just listening to the description made me tired, "This reformulated, higher density version of our proprietary TEMPUR® material provides unmatched pressure-relieving comfort and body-conforming support." So if you want to balling big a got the $7,500 for it, click here for ordering information.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Speedo LZR

For all you aqua-Fresh Heads, this is the post you have been waiting for. The Speedo LZR racing suit has made its official debut and boy did it make a splash...no pun intended. Michael Phelps has broken his personal record already in trials and so has Katie Hoff both in the 400 m race...coincidence, FreshSesh thinks not. They were both wearing the Speedo LZR; with new body compressing technology, it makes your body more streamline to cut through the water like a torpedo. The suit won't be available to public until after the Olympics, but you should start saving now as they will retail for $550. For more information on the new Speedo LZR click here

Friday, June 27, 2008


Disney and Pixar's latest film, Wall-E features a lovable robot named Wall-E who is forced to save the world.  Fresh Sesh was at a special midnight showing last night and we must report, the movie was indeed, FRESH.  This is one of Disney and Pixar's greatest masterpieces yet.  Wall-E is perfect for all ages and is a definite must see.  FreshSesh is predicting Wall-E to be the best animated picture of 2008.  

More info and reviews on Wall-E here.

An Oscar for Heath?

A lot of buzz has been going around Hollywood about Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker in "The Dark Night". A reporter from KTLA saw a sneak preview of the film and has declared his performance, "THE BEST villain in a super hero movie of all time." The posting received over 100 comments in the first hour up. I know we are a little late on news FreshHeads, but feel free to comment here and get another discussion going. Either way, the movie is sure to be a hit and we will have a full review after it comes out in three weeks. To read KTLA's report as well as the hundreds of other skeptics and fans click here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

String Cheese

There is nothing quite as delicious as a cold piece of string cheese, and the satisfaction that arises from just the right string pulled evenly down the cheese is...well, amazing. Mozzarella is great and all, but there is just something about eating cheese by the string that improves the taste. I have found Stringsters to be the superior name in string cheese, but according to one expert, it is actually the Safeway's Lucerne brand that takes the top prize. However, due to the String Cheese Man mascot, Stringsters takes the top prize.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Create Your Own Bobble Head

With the MLB All Star Game approaching, XM Radio has created a fun and of course FRESH, "Bobble Yourself" option on their website.  

You can place your picture on any one of 30 professional baseball teams.  The site also allows users to send personal phone calls from the pros to friends and family. 

Pala Casino

Located in Pala, California, Pala Casino is one of California's Freshest Indian gaming casinos.  Fresh Sesh was personally flown in to see this four diamond award winning establishment.  From the amazing Cultural Center to the worldly buffet, this place reeks of FRESHNESS (and peace pipe smoke).

Monday, June 23, 2008

Girl Talk - Feed the Animals

The incredible DJ, Girl Talk, is back with another jam filled album titled "Feed the Animals".  Similar to Radiohead, Girl Talk is allowing fans to pay whatever price they would like for the album.  That's right, you pick the price.

The whole album can be downloaded here. Enjoy.

Shaquille O' Neal Vs Kobe Bryant

Ding Ding Ding. Fresh Sesh proudly presents round 3 of celeb clashes.

Shaq Vs Kobe
Recently, Shaq performed a freestyle rap at a New York night club.  In his lyrics, he implied that Kobe cannot win a championship without him.  He also stated that Kobe is the reason for his recent divorce.  Full story and video here.

Souljah Boy Vs. Ice T

Ding Ding Ding. Fresh Sesh proudly presents round 2 of celeb clashes.

Souljah Boy Vs Ice T

The verbal attacks began as Ice T told Souljah Boy that he single handedly destroyed hip hop and to "eat a dick." Souljah Boy responded by saying that Ice T is old and should be helpful, not hurtful.

Ice T's statement here.

Souljah Boy's response here.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Latarian Strikes Again

Everyone's favorite 7-year-old has done it again. Latarian Milton, who stole his grandma's Durango a few weeks ago to go do "hoodrat stuff with his friends" has struck again. This time he started beating up his grandma when she would not buy him chicken wings at Wal-mart. We will keep you up to date on freshest Latarian news, but to see the latest report click here

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Now I am not sure how many of you jumped on the Borat Boat last year or how Fresh "Bruno" is going to be, but one thing is for sure, Universal sure thinks a lot of Sasha Baron Cohen's latest film. It is set to be released in May 19, 2009, the same weekend as the "DaVinci Code" sequel and the latest Terminator movie. I will take "Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins" any day of the week...even without Arnold. For the rest of Bruno details click here

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Power Traveler

Tired of dying cell phones, iPods, laptops, and PSPs?  Tired of carrying around huge battery chargers for all of your gadgets?  The people at Power Traveler have an answer. Their innovative and tiny power chargers allow a user to charge almost any electronic device with ease.  

Saturday, June 14, 2008

BMW Gina

BMW's Gina, might be the future of automobile technology.  Gina replaces metal and plastic skin, with a textile fabric that surrounds a metal frame with carbon fiber wires.  

Full story, fly pictures, and of course a FRESH video here.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Top Cities to Live

Last month we shared with you the most unfresh cities to live internationally; this month, in honor of the class of 2008, we present The Freshest Cities to live in the world. As you probably guessed the top U.S. city is in Honolulu, but it ranks all the way down at #28. A highlight of the list is three German cities in the top 10! Those Germans get down apparently. To see where your favorite city ranks click here

Monday, June 9, 2008

Clint Eastwood vs Spike Lee

Everyone loves a good rivalry; JaRule vs. 50 Cent, TuPac vs. Biggie, Eminem vs. Moby...the list goes on. Well the Freshest rivalry to hit the media circus is my boy Clint "Do you feel lucky...Punk?" Eastwood vs. Spike "its a rebuilding year for the Knicks" Lee. Basically, Spike thinks Clint needs to include more black people in his films and Dirty Harry stepped up to the challenge and responded by telling Spike to, "shut his face." I hope this goes on until awards season so we can a see a remake of the shootout in "The Outlaw Josie Wales" complete with Eastwood in full attire. For the rest of the story and to read Spike's juicy response click here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

World's Most Expensive Home

Got an extra $230 million lying around? To be truly fresh, you need to have the freshest crib. With the housing market what it is, this deal might not come along again for a while. As bonus though, it comes furnished with a full art collection and is on the same street near London where Princess Diana once lived. For the rest of the story and to see who might be forking over the cash for this pad click here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Weezer - Red Album

Weezer is back!  The appropriately self titled album features a red cover, and proudly displays mustache glory for lead singer Rivers Cuomo.  Check out their newest video here.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Death of Cavemen

You know what is Fresh? The fact that "Cavemen" will not be coming back for another season. Any show whose origins arise from a Geico commercial is destined for failure. I hate to say it and never watched an episode, but how stupid could the producers have been when that show was pitched and they actually thought it was a good idea. For the other 29 shows that will not be back next season click here

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hey Jude Baby

We know what you're thinking.  
1) Why does Fresh Sesh have so many baby videos? 
2) It's creepy.
3) Fresh Sesh is the blog form of Michael Jackson.

Well fresh heads, we aren't pedophiles,  we support cuteness, not creepiness, and MJ is innocent.  With that... the Kings of Freshness would like to present "Hey Jude."  Enjoy.

BlackBerry Bold

It seems like just a few months ago we were all talking about how Fresh the iPhone was. Well folks, the iPhone is out, make room for the real status symbol the Blackberry Bold. iPhone is more about flash and status, but if you really want to have status, you got to have class and functionality and the Bold has both, underline it, italicize it, shadow it...whatever. The new BlackBerry is fresh and you can count on me to be one of the 2.2 million people they hope to add to the BlackBerry network in the coming months. The phone set to be released sometime this fall. For the whole story click here

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Record Breaking Mentos and Coke Experiment

If you thought combining baking soda and vinegar was fresh, mix some Coca-Cola with a pack of Mentos... and you really will see the ULTIMATE FRESH MAKER!  This record breaking experiment took place in Ladeuzeplein square in Leuven, Belgium.

Full story after the jump.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hoodrat Stuff wit yo' frinds

You know what's Fresh? Being Bad, Doin' Hoodrat stuff wit yo' frinds. 7-year-old Latarian Milton knew what's up when he stole he grandmother's Dodge SUV on DUBS and took it for a cruise. When he was asked what his punishment should be though, LM suggested no video games for a weekend. Kudos to the boy on his Fresh shorts too. For full-video and interview click here

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Miley Cyrus Covershot in Vanity Fair

So she it is not quite Lindsey Lohan doing a Marilyn Monroe pictorial...but Miley Cyrus posing topless (not frontal...pervs) has caused quite a stir. For a 15-year-old she is looking Fresh, although we are not sure how her 10-year-old fans and their uptight mothers will feel about it. For the story click here but to go behind the scenes for some extra action click here

Friday, April 25, 2008

There has not been a playoffs so exciting for quite some time, with a FIRST round series like San Antonio and Phoenix, you know it is only going to get better. Will T-Mac finally win a playoff series? Will Kobe prove himself without Shaq? Can King James do it again? Why are the Mavericks so bad? The story lines are endless. Stayed tuned for more predictions as the playoffs shape up...but for now FreshSesh is callin' it a vintage NBA Finals with Lakers over the Celtics in 7, just like we did it in the 80s with Kobe hitting the series winning shot to win the championship.

Madden NFL 2009

As the Madden franchise enters its 20th anniversary, EA Sports has selected Brett Favre as the 2009 Madden cover boy.  Congrats Brett from everyone here at Fresh Sesh. 

Full story here.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Kanye West - Glow in the Dark Tour

Kanye West's latest tour titled "The Glow in the Dark Tour," is argued to be the greatest arena of all time.  Full of effects and an all star lineup featuring Lupe Fiasco, N.E.R.D., and Rihanna, this is the must see of event of 2008.  See concert review here.  

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gatorade TIGER

With the Master's coming up this weekend, I know what Tiger will be toasting with to celebrate his victory on Sunday...his first ever Tiger-endorsed sports drink and the first ever athlete-licensed beverage from Gatorade, the brand new Gatorade Tiger. Tiger went to the Gatorade Sports Science institute in October to have his sweat actually analyzed for this new drink. Then he personally selected the flavors for the line, which will include cherry blend, citrus blend & grape. The new drink will provide better hydration and stronger punch of electrolytes to keep you going. After driving a Buick for several years, I know Tiger was right on with that endorsement, so I am sure we can count on him for another winner...and the bottle looks pretty sweet.

Chocolate Skittles Commercial

Chocolate the rainbow.  Enjoy.

Monday, April 7, 2008


For goodness sake, I hope you watched the Men's Basketball Final tonight from San Antonio. I have watched a lot of basketball in my day, but this one for the book. Kansas came back from 9 down with less than 2 minutes to play to tie the game and win in overtime. You just never knew what was going to happen. These boys got some game, primarily my boy Chalmers who hit the shot to force OT and got a key inbound pass steal to give his team the chance to come back. All I can say after this one is ROCK CHALK JAY HAWKS BABY, the freshest team and the freshest game of ball I have seen for a while.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Self Making Bed

People are lazy.  Hell, you're favorite blog is lazy sometimes (refer to date of last post).  Lucky for all of us, inventor Enrico Berruti has a slight cure.  He has created a self making bed.  Say goodbye to a messy bed Fresh Sesh Heads.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I don't know what can be more fresh than March Madness. I know it is my favorite time of year. I mean the comradery, the games, the cinderellas, the brackets...I wish every month was March. This year is particularly special though because it has been dubbed the year of the FRESHmen...coincidence I think not. I am offering another official Callin' It FreshSesh Prediction here when I say the Final Four is going to be...USC, North Carolina, Texas and Duke. Yes, only number 1 seed...indeed it will be a March full of surprises.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Brett Favre

Brett Favre's retirement from the NFL provided mixed emotions around the country.  Bears fans cheered, the Cheese Heads cried, but either way you look at it, the NFL has lost its ironman.  Sports Illustrated has created an amazing  slideshow of Brett Favre, highlighting his entire NFL career.  Fresh Sesh wishes you nothing but the best Mr. Favre.  You will be missed.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

David Hernandez

I don't know who you guys are pulling for on this season of American Idol, but I know the freshest competitor is Mr. David Hernandez. Homeboy, is all over the news for his previous employment as a stripper, especially after the 2003 dismissal of finalist Frenchie Davis for her nude pictures on the internet. I ain't sayin David is the best on the show, but for all you pervs, cheapskates, cheap pervs, pervy cheapskates that were into the swimsuit post, I am sure he might give you peep about what he is really about. See the story here on yahoo for more info on David.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The World's 25 Dirtiest Cities

Our amigos at Forbes have created a list of the 25 dirtiest cities in the world. Avoid these cities, and you are on your path to freshness.

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition 2008

This is a special post for the following: pervs, cheapskates, cheap pervs, pervy cheapskates, and bikiniholics. If you haven't seen or bought the 2008 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, some generous human being has already scanned all of the images from the magazine. Enjoy my fellow fresh friends.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Maybe you have not heard, but basically Sir Richard Branson is a genius. Not only does he own a cell phone company, record company and airline, amongst other investments, but his airline was the first airline to power a commercial flight partially with biofuel. In a nutshell (no pun intended) the jet fuel was mixed with Brazilian babassu nuts and coconuts to create a more environmentally friendly version. For more info on my boy and his ambitious plans to change jet fuel one coconut at a time see here

Monday, February 25, 2008


1 popped collar: maybe
2 popped collars: douche
3 popped collars: no way in hell
4 popped collars: coolness

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hybrid Escalade

Ludacris is not going to have no more oil to check out that his Cadillac spills because the Escalade is going hybrid. The 2009 Escalade is looking fresh as ever with a modified grill and 25 percent better gas millage than its heavier counterpart. Eli Manning got one as the Superbowl MVP, countless stars are rolling in them to the worst Oscars ever. Are you fresh enough to handle it?

Thursday, February 21, 2008


The Oscars will be taking place live on February 24th at 5PT/8ET. While we might not know who the big winners are, Fresh Sesh will tell you who SHOULD win.

Actor in a leading role:
Daniel Day-Lewis
Actor in a supporting role:
Javier Bardem
Actress in a leading role:
Ellen Page
Animated Feature Film:
Best Picture:
No Country for Old Men

Monday, February 18, 2008

Lindsay Lohan Nude

Lindsay Lohan has posed nude for New York Magazine
The steamy photos recreate Marilyn Monroe's last photo shoot known as "The Last Sitting." From mean girl to pin up girl, this one is worth a look. CAUTION: Freckles A Plenty

Chris Paul CP3 Signature Shoes

I don't know if any of you noticed, but the high-flyin' Chris Paul of the New Orleans Hornets switched his shoes at half-time of this year's all-star game. He went from the 23rd anniversary Jordan's (which are quite fresh by the way) to his first signature shoe, the CP3. These shoes are so fresh, I can't even link you to a site to buy them until March 1st, but are expected to be available for about $115. Some complain that the shoe is not flashy enough to carry the Jumpman logo, but what the shoe lacks in flash it makes up in quality. For all you ballers looking for to have the freshest kicks on your block, you gots to pick these ones up.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Similar to whiskeymilitia.com, woot.com sells only one item at a time. The difference is woot sells electronics at super low prices instead of extreme sports gear. This site is worthy of a bookmark.