Friday, June 27, 2008

An Oscar for Heath?

A lot of buzz has been going around Hollywood about Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker in "The Dark Night". A reporter from KTLA saw a sneak preview of the film and has declared his performance, "THE BEST villain in a super hero movie of all time." The posting received over 100 comments in the first hour up. I know we are a little late on news FreshHeads, but feel free to comment here and get another discussion going. Either way, the movie is sure to be a hit and we will have a full review after it comes out in three weeks. To read KTLA's report as well as the hundreds of other skeptics and fans click here.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Heath Ledger is receiving non stop praise for his role as the upcoming joker. Here is the review from Rolling Stone:

In his critique this week of the upcoming flick The Dark Knight, Rolling Stone magazine's film editor Peter Travers has called for Ledger to be awarded the ultimate acting gong for his performance.

Describing his portrayal of The Joker as "mad-crazy-blazing brilliant," Travers flagged an Academy push for the posthumous prize.

"It's typical of Ledger's total commitment to films as diverse as Brokeback Mountain and I'm Not There that he did nothing out of vanity or the need to be liked."

"Ledger's Joker has no gray areas - he's all rampaging id," he writes. "He creates a Joker for the ages."

The Aussie actor, who died from an accidental drug overdose in January, had been nervous over the anticipation for the film and the role most famously portrayed by the great Jack Nicholson.

Comparisons aside, Travers has championed Ledger for his own Oscar gold.

"If there's a movement to get him the first posthumous Oscar since Peter Finch won for 1976's Network, then sign me up."