Monday, June 9, 2008

Clint Eastwood vs Spike Lee

Everyone loves a good rivalry; JaRule vs. 50 Cent, TuPac vs. Biggie, Eminem vs. Moby...the list goes on. Well the Freshest rivalry to hit the media circus is my boy Clint "Do you feel lucky...Punk?" Eastwood vs. Spike "its a rebuilding year for the Knicks" Lee. Basically, Spike thinks Clint needs to include more black people in his films and Dirty Harry stepped up to the challenge and responded by telling Spike to, "shut his face." I hope this goes on until awards season so we can a see a remake of the shootout in "The Outlaw Josie Wales" complete with Eastwood in full attire. For the rest of the story and to read Spike's juicy response click here.

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