Monday, June 30, 2008


From P-Diddy to Shaq and Arnold Schwarzenegger to Oprah, the real status symbol to knowing you have made it is the most comfortable bed possible. After all, you spend nearly half your life on it, so it might as well be comfortable. Well the geniuses at Tempur-Pedic have done it again with their new GrandBed; this bed is sure have all the A-listers on the waiting list just like the swimmers for that new Speedo LZR. Just listening to the description made me tired, "This reformulated, higher density version of our proprietary TEMPUR® material provides unmatched pressure-relieving comfort and body-conforming support." So if you want to balling big a got the $7,500 for it, click here for ordering information.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Speedo LZR

For all you aqua-Fresh Heads, this is the post you have been waiting for. The Speedo LZR racing suit has made its official debut and boy did it make a pun intended. Michael Phelps has broken his personal record already in trials and so has Katie Hoff both in the 400 m race...coincidence, FreshSesh thinks not. They were both wearing the Speedo LZR; with new body compressing technology, it makes your body more streamline to cut through the water like a torpedo. The suit won't be available to public until after the Olympics, but you should start saving now as they will retail for $550. For more information on the new Speedo LZR click here

Friday, June 27, 2008


Disney and Pixar's latest film, Wall-E features a lovable robot named Wall-E who is forced to save the world.  Fresh Sesh was at a special midnight showing last night and we must report, the movie was indeed, FRESH.  This is one of Disney and Pixar's greatest masterpieces yet.  Wall-E is perfect for all ages and is a definite must see.  FreshSesh is predicting Wall-E to be the best animated picture of 2008.  

More info and reviews on Wall-E here.

An Oscar for Heath?

A lot of buzz has been going around Hollywood about Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker in "The Dark Night". A reporter from KTLA saw a sneak preview of the film and has declared his performance, "THE BEST villain in a super hero movie of all time." The posting received over 100 comments in the first hour up. I know we are a little late on news FreshHeads, but feel free to comment here and get another discussion going. Either way, the movie is sure to be a hit and we will have a full review after it comes out in three weeks. To read KTLA's report as well as the hundreds of other skeptics and fans click here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

String Cheese

There is nothing quite as delicious as a cold piece of string cheese, and the satisfaction that arises from just the right string pulled evenly down the cheese is...well, amazing. Mozzarella is great and all, but there is just something about eating cheese by the string that improves the taste. I have found Stringsters to be the superior name in string cheese, but according to one expert, it is actually the Safeway's Lucerne brand that takes the top prize. However, due to the String Cheese Man mascot, Stringsters takes the top prize.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Create Your Own Bobble Head

With the MLB All Star Game approaching, XM Radio has created a fun and of course FRESH, "Bobble Yourself" option on their website.  

You can place your picture on any one of 30 professional baseball teams.  The site also allows users to send personal phone calls from the pros to friends and family. 

Pala Casino

Located in Pala, California, Pala Casino is one of California's Freshest Indian gaming casinos.  Fresh Sesh was personally flown in to see this four diamond award winning establishment.  From the amazing Cultural Center to the worldly buffet, this place reeks of FRESHNESS (and peace pipe smoke).

Monday, June 23, 2008

Girl Talk - Feed the Animals

The incredible DJ, Girl Talk, is back with another jam filled album titled "Feed the Animals".  Similar to Radiohead, Girl Talk is allowing fans to pay whatever price they would like for the album.  That's right, you pick the price.

The whole album can be downloaded here. Enjoy.

Shaquille O' Neal Vs Kobe Bryant

Ding Ding Ding. Fresh Sesh proudly presents round 3 of celeb clashes.

Shaq Vs Kobe
Recently, Shaq performed a freestyle rap at a New York night club.  In his lyrics, he implied that Kobe cannot win a championship without him.  He also stated that Kobe is the reason for his recent divorce.  Full story and video here.

Souljah Boy Vs. Ice T

Ding Ding Ding. Fresh Sesh proudly presents round 2 of celeb clashes.

Souljah Boy Vs Ice T

The verbal attacks began as Ice T told Souljah Boy that he single handedly destroyed hip hop and to "eat a dick." Souljah Boy responded by saying that Ice T is old and should be helpful, not hurtful.

Ice T's statement here.

Souljah Boy's response here.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Latarian Strikes Again

Everyone's favorite 7-year-old has done it again. Latarian Milton, who stole his grandma's Durango a few weeks ago to go do "hoodrat stuff with his friends" has struck again. This time he started beating up his grandma when she would not buy him chicken wings at Wal-mart. We will keep you up to date on freshest Latarian news, but to see the latest report click here

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Now I am not sure how many of you jumped on the Borat Boat last year or how Fresh "Bruno" is going to be, but one thing is for sure, Universal sure thinks a lot of Sasha Baron Cohen's latest film. It is set to be released in May 19, 2009, the same weekend as the "DaVinci Code" sequel and the latest Terminator movie. I will take "Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins" any day of the week...even without Arnold. For the rest of Bruno details click here

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Power Traveler

Tired of dying cell phones, iPods, laptops, and PSPs?  Tired of carrying around huge battery chargers for all of your gadgets?  The people at Power Traveler have an answer. Their innovative and tiny power chargers allow a user to charge almost any electronic device with ease.  

Saturday, June 14, 2008

BMW Gina

BMW's Gina, might be the future of automobile technology.  Gina replaces metal and plastic skin, with a textile fabric that surrounds a metal frame with carbon fiber wires.  

Full story, fly pictures, and of course a FRESH video here.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Top Cities to Live

Last month we shared with you the most unfresh cities to live internationally; this month, in honor of the class of 2008, we present The Freshest Cities to live in the world. As you probably guessed the top U.S. city is in Honolulu, but it ranks all the way down at #28. A highlight of the list is three German cities in the top 10! Those Germans get down apparently. To see where your favorite city ranks click here

Monday, June 9, 2008

Clint Eastwood vs Spike Lee

Everyone loves a good rivalry; JaRule vs. 50 Cent, TuPac vs. Biggie, Eminem vs. Moby...the list goes on. Well the Freshest rivalry to hit the media circus is my boy Clint "Do you feel lucky...Punk?" Eastwood vs. Spike "its a rebuilding year for the Knicks" Lee. Basically, Spike thinks Clint needs to include more black people in his films and Dirty Harry stepped up to the challenge and responded by telling Spike to, "shut his face." I hope this goes on until awards season so we can a see a remake of the shootout in "The Outlaw Josie Wales" complete with Eastwood in full attire. For the rest of the story and to read Spike's juicy response click here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

World's Most Expensive Home

Got an extra $230 million lying around? To be truly fresh, you need to have the freshest crib. With the housing market what it is, this deal might not come along again for a while. As bonus though, it comes furnished with a full art collection and is on the same street near London where Princess Diana once lived. For the rest of the story and to see who might be forking over the cash for this pad click here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Weezer - Red Album

Weezer is back!  The appropriately self titled album features a red cover, and proudly displays mustache glory for lead singer Rivers Cuomo.  Check out their newest video here.